How Embodee Helps Senior Management

Save time and money—and make better use of your resources.

To say that the apparel industry is a fast-moving one is an understatement. Fashion trends can come and go in the blink of an eye, so products can’t take their time making their way to shelves. Every day saved in production is a head start over competitors.  

Embodee’s platform is the key to your business moving faster and more nimbly. With Embodee, you can open your product creation process to your entire team. So instead of different teams—like design, merchandising, and sales—batting designs and feedback back and forth, they can all work together in one place. And that means better, more efficient use of your 3D technical design resources.

How does it work?

  • Open your design process by allowing everyone from merchandisers and designers to marketers and salespeople to collaborate.
  • Boost productivity by streamlining collaboration and feedback—reducing back and forth between design teams and other team members.
  • Shorten production cycles by allowing anyone to create the product variants they need to plan, present, and sell.