
Going Digital with Fashion the Orchids Way

Judging from their thumbs-up reviews, fashion industry players in 19 countries enjoyed their front row seats last month for Embodee’s first in a series of webinars about our new Orchids™ web platform

Now in limited beta release, the platform supports the industry’s accelerating embrace of digital technology. It integrates nearly all aspects of creating and developing 3D apparel and footwear collections online to increase collaboration, reduce costs, and improve sales.

“All of you and all of your colleagues are absolutely essential to the creation, marketing, and sales of your products,” Embodee’s vice president of products, Ben Sosinski, told the group. “Each element along the chain is vital, but we can probably agree that you mostly operate on an island.”

Central to the Orchids platform’s design, he said, is bringing everyone together in a visual way around the same product data and information so they can contribute and pool expertise to make work easier and more efficient for all.

The attendees were shown how to create and modify assortments and variances collaboratively using the platform’s intuitive interface. They also saw how with a few mouse clicks to share products for review throughout an organization and with other parties, such as vendors.

The webinar is available for replay. Want to join an early access group for beta testing the platform? Contact us here